What is Periodontal Therapy
If you have ever noticed blood in the sink when you brush your teeth, you could be one of the estimated 64 million American’s that
What is gum disease?
Failing to brush our teeth properly allows bacteria to accumulate on the outside of the teeth, where they clump together causing a sticky, colorless film known as plaque. This usually happens along the edge of the teeth where they meet the gum. If this plaque isn’t quickly removed, it can cause the gums to become irritated, red, sore and swollen. It also slowly begins to harden into tartar – a brownish-yellow deposit that is impossible to remove without professional help.
Over time, the bacteria from the plaque or tartar can start to penetrate the gums through tiny gaps between the gums and teeth that are impossible to clean without professional assistance. As the disease progresses, pain, infection
Why is it important to seek treatment for gum disease?
Periodontal disease may seem like purely a dental problem
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- Respiratory diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumonia
- Stroke
Many patients also feel detrimental psychological effects of periodontal
Types of periodontal therapy
When it comes to periodontal therapies, there are several options available. The one that our dentist may recommend for you will depend on the stage of your periodontal disease.
Non-surgical periodontal therapies
Non-surgical periodontal therapies are usually successful provided that the disease is still in the early stages. Some of the treatments include:
- Regular maintenance cleans with our dentist or dental hygienist.
- Scaling and root planing. This is a deep clean that focuses on clearing away bacteria from below the gum line.
- A course of antibiotics.
- Orthodontic bite adjustment, or the use of a bite guard.
Surgical periodontal therapies
If you have moderate to severe periodontal disease, you will likely require surgical intervention to help clear the infection completely and preserve your natural teeth. Some of the most commonly performed surgical periodontal therapies include:
- Crown
- Pocket reduction surgery. This focuses on reducing the small gaps between the teeth and gums
- Soft tissue grafts, to restore the gum line.
- Bone grafts, to restore bone density.
- Dental implants, which are used to replace teeth that have fallen out due to extreme periodontal disease.
By choosing to have periodontal therapy treatments, you can help to protect your teeth against the effects of gum disease and preserve your natural smile for years to come. To find out more, contact and speak to our dental practitioner’s office today.