What are FastBraces?

If you have crooked, overlapping, or gapped teeth, or if your teeth don’t come together properly when you close your jaw, you could think that conventional braces are your only option. Conventional braces can take up to two years to gradually shift your teeth and jaw into a new and improved position, altering the appearance of your teeth and reducing the likelihood of dental problems occurring because of misalignment and bite problems.
Fortunately, there are quicker alternatives. One of these is known as FastBraces.
What is FASTBRACES® Technology and what are its benefits?
FASTBRACES® is for teenagers and adult patients who are looking to straighten their teeth comfortably but don’t want to wait years for quality results or cut corners for speed. This high quality technology helps straighten teeth really fast, even in about 100 days, without compromising treatment because what’s right for a beautiful smile (the way the teeth look) comes with what’s right for a beautiful bite (the way teeth touch)!
FASTBRACES® is used in countries all over the world and is available in discreet tooth colored esthetic clear or metal braces that are comfortable and deliver beautiful results fast and safely. That’s because the technology behind the FASTBRACES® patented methods and treatment utilizes only one high tech nickel titanium wire from start to finish that helps restore the morphology of healthy bone around the crooked teeth gently and easily as they become straight.
That’s why the key benefit to using FASTBRACES® is that, for many patients, treatment is completed in about 100 days. The speedy alignment of teeth with FASTBRACES® Technology also helps patients receive excellent value by requiring fewer visits to the doctor office making it less expensive than other types of orthodontic treatment.
What Makes Them Different from Conventional Braces?
FastBraces are an innovative new orthodontic solution for straightening your teeth. The main difference between a conventional orthodontic brace and FastBraces is in the technique that is used. In conventional braces, the tooth movement is staggered.
The treatment first focuses on moving the crowns into alignment, before then adjust the root to move the jaw into a new and improved position. FastBraces does both at the same time. This means that some patients can start to see results from their treatments within just 3 months of their treatment, with many completing treatments in less than a year!
This is possible thanks to the unique ‘triangle’ design within the brackets. This is coupled with a bespoke-shaped wire, and the two elements work in perfect synchronization to exert force onto both the crown and root simultaneously. This means that the roots start to move, and the jaw begins to alter position, right from the very first appointment.
The technology that is used in FastBraces also has low frictional force, and this, in turn, reduces sliding friction. The benefit of this is that there is less pain when fitting the front and back teeth together. In fact, many patients find that the treatment is less uncomfortable than conventional braces.
Benefits of FASTBRACES®
Really fast treatment
Safe and comfortable
Fewer visits
Less expensive
Will I Still Need to Wear Retainers?
Retainers are used to retain the position of your teeth after treatment is complete. They are important because teeth will try and move around naturally if they have the space to do so. However, while patients who have had conventional braces usually need to wear their retainers 24/7, or at least as much as possible, when you choose FastBraces, you’ll only need to wear retainers for a maximum of 20 minutes each day. This makes retaining the results of your FastBraces treatment extremely simple and convenient.
Am I a Good Candidate for FastBraces?
The first step of FastBraces is to meet with your dental professional to determine if you are a good candidate for the treatment. Typically, people who are found to be suitable for FastBraces:
Have healthy teeth with no outstanding issues such as fillings or gum disease.
Have crooked, twisted, overlapping, and/or gapped teeth.
Have issues with the way that their teeth meet when they close their jaw.
Are concerned about the appearance of their teeth and would like a straighter smile.
Would like to see a drastic improvement in the position of their teeth as quickly as possible.
Are looking for cost-effective treatment for their orthodontic issues.
FastBraces can help restore your confidence in your smile. Find out more today by contacting our dedicated dental team today!
To find out if FastBraces are right for you, contact Dr. Sam's Premier Dentistry in Sherman, Texas at (903) 708-6400 to schedule a consultation.